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Our choice: change or extinction

Editor: Last Wednesday, I saw the awesome film Peace Out, about energy production and consumption.


Last Wednesday, I saw the awesome film Peace Out, about energy production and consumption. It showed that, by our everyday unthinking habits, we are contributing to flooding of precious farmland, draining of lakes and rivers and devastation of wilderness habitat.

On Thursday, I learned that the U.S. diagnosis rate for autism spectrum disorders is now at least 1/88 children (Canada's issaid to have increased 600 per cent in the last 20 years).

And on Friday, I learned that baby girls forming in the womb already have all the eggs they'll ever have. Unlike thecells andtissues of adults, these eggslack any kind of protection. By using a wireless laptop, a pregnant woman can irradiate her growing baby girl's eggs, causing DNA damage, which will be passed on to the next generation.

Every time wechoose to linger in the shower, eat pineapple from Hawaii instead of pears from the Sunshine Coast, injector consume toxins, dial our cell phone or consult our iPod, we incrementally speed the demise of our environment, our resources and the whole human race.

Susan Fletcher
