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Wood heat is self-reliant



The Clean Air Society seems to be telling us that getting rid of your wood-burning stove is the rational and decent thing to do. We’re told that the science supports their position, then it’s claimed that wood smoke causes autism, which is a new one.

Electrical heat is put forth as the sensible alternative. Where do they think electricity comes from? It comes from coal plants, diesel generation, natural gas, which are not exactly poster children for the green revolution. There is always nuclear power, which only destroys one itty-bitty atom, but there is the fallout from that method as well. Photovoltaic is a heavy user of silver, which is produced as a byproduct from lead zinc mines. In B.C. we are lucky to have lots of hydroelectric power. So if that’s the alternative the Clean Air Society recommends, then can we assume it supports the Site C Dam?

The criticism of wood stoves by another advocate then digressed to their owners, and support for wood heat was criticized as “small town stupidity.” Having grown up here, I would instead characterize locals as self-reliant, resilient and interesting. They aren’t selfish exploiters of the community, but are also soccer and hockey coaches and volunteer firefighters. Wood heat displays that mindset. It has no extensive infrastructure of lines and is decentralized. It’s local. If opponents of this “small town stupidity” disagree with my characterization, then the skyscrapers and freeways of the metropolis are only a ferry ride away, and the return trip is free.

David Rogers, Sechelt