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Sloppy journalism



Sean Eckford’s Dec. 21 report, “Gibsons considers review of OCP’s design guidelines,” displays a lack of professional standards.

He writes in paragraph five: “They also told council’s committee of the whole Dec. 18 that the design was chosen to meet so-called ‘passive house’ standards, which reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling by as much as 90 per cent.”

The term so-called is derogatory in the extreme. I can’t image the developers using this term. As well, the so-called “passive house” standards do exist, which Mr. Eckford would have realized had he bothered to research. If he had researched, he would have discovered Passive House has a long history in Europe and now, strong roots in Canada.

This sloppy journalism is not something I would have expected from Coast Reporter.

Kathryn Parsonage, Gibsons