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Sad sign of disconnect



I strongly disagree with the editorial “Indoctrination for the Green New Age.” We would never argue that teaching students to care for human others is “indoctrination,” so I find it a sad and profound sign of disconnect when this argument is presented in relation to the Earth, as though care for it is an optional viewpoint. I’d argue that it is our moral responsibility to model/teach care for the planet and civic engagement around this. Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old activist that you mention, wisely states: “I don’t want your hope... I want you to feel the fear I feel everyday… I want you to act as you would in a crisis.” We are in ecological crises and I have the greatest respect and sense of solidarity for those students that wrote in fighting for their future and especially for their teacher who is supporting them rather than cowardly ignoring a future mess for other generations to deal with.

Laura Piersol, Gibsons