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Points well taken



Re: “Indoctrinated for the Green New Age,” April 5.

Your column of April 5, commenting on Grade 5 student letters about Climate Change, seems to have stirred some negative response, judging by letters in the April 12 edition. However, your point was well taken.

All the children’s letters reflected essentially identical opinions. Did even just one temper their concern that “we only have 11 or 12 years left” with awareness that the Apostle of Global Warming, former U.S. vice president Al Gore, warned us 20 years ago that “by 2015, winter will be a thing of the past”? Mr. Gore was massively wrong but he wasn’t a failure; he has been recognized as the first Climate Billionaire, a fact that should teach everyone to follow the money when they hear these claims.

There are valid concerns inherent in changing climate and useful things we can do at reasonable cost to accommodate change. But wild-eyed hysteria also abounds and phony claims are propagated to the innocent. My suggestion would be for teachers to learn and teach how to differentiate between the two before turning their students into foot soldiers for a cause. 

Rick Andrews, Gibsons