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Lost and found

Editor: I should like to draw to the attention of your readers the location of a number of obviously lost or mislaid items which the owners might want to reclaim.


I should like to draw to the attention of your readers the location of a number of obviously lost or mislaid items which the owners might want to reclaim.

The items include empty Corona beer bottles, empty beer cans, empty pop cans, an empty pizza box, a Styrofoam coffee cup marked “JO,” many used and now empty fast-food plastic and cardboard containers and one large grocery store cart.

These can all be found in the short distance between the Martin Road/North Fletcher bus stop and the Wyngaert/Corlett roadsides and ditches, leading back to North Fletcher Road.

I’m sure the owners of these items were not intending for someone else to reclaim them – or were they?

Colleen Elson, Gibsons