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Loss for accessibility



I have recently become aware of the mayor ending the accessibility advisory committee (“Sechelt shakes up advisory committees,” Dec. 14). As a member of the community that is physically challenged, I find this to be a very disappointing decision.

It is difficult enough going through life being physically challenged. Without committees such as the accessibility committee to speak up for people such as myself, it is more of a challenge in my everyday life. It is a great feat on many occasions to just be able to get through a day without difficulty accessing many places in the community.

One way of having an able-bodied individual understand is to put them in my situation to give them a better sense of the daily challenges many others as well as myself in the community face in our daily lives. I want to put forth a challenge to the Mayor Darnelda Siegers to spend a week in a wheelchair going through her daily life, in the hopes of her gaining a better understanding of the difficulties we face on a daily basis. I feel that accessibility for all is a very important part of any community.

Tracey Thomas, Sechelt