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Gem needs a polish



The writer is a 94-year-old invalid. Having voluntarily surrendered my driving licence, my trips downtown are by electric motor scooter, weather permitting. Due to “couldn’t care less” discarded debris, together with rocks and masses of pebbles in the cycle path, I am sure cyclists, pedestrians and other scooter users have shared the discomfort of the east side cycle lane of Norwest Bay Road as I have. The above cycle lane is now made cleaner and safer due to the effort that was put into cleaning it by myself and the young lady cyclist Kate, who came along and did a Trojan job in assisting me.

The “gem” that the Sunshine Coast purports to be needs a badly needed polish in the roads and lanes everywhere. There is equipment for the highway and the roads in the District of Sechelt, which is rarely seen to be in use. I ask that they be used regularly and make Sechelt and beyond the jewel that it can be.

Lauri Pearce, Sechelt