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Courage is the antidote



Well, it’s come to pass. An invisible foe has upended our world and jarred our sense of place and self. It’s like nothing most of us have ever experienced. And it’s spreading to every community on earth.

Like all of you, I have moments of fear about what this means, how it might play out and promote suffering. That can be paralyzing.

But when I truly look around I see the antidote to fear, and that is courage and courageous behaviour.

I see that in our doctors, nurses, health care staff, and front-line responders. Thank you for your courage to do the work you do.

And I also see it in every store clerk, bus and taxi driver, homecare helper, journalist, service provider, mother, father, grandparent, and in so many of my friends and acquaintances.

You all inspire me to choose courage over fear and stand with you.

None of us has a crystal ball to determine how this will evolve and play out. But it’s clear we are being defined by the courage we have found to confront and overcome this. This is our birthright, and, courageously, we will overcome this.

Michael Maser, Elphinstone