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Letters: What’s the rush, Sechelt council?


As reported on this newspaper’s website, Sechelt’s public hearing on March 20 to change the Official Community Plan (OCP) was not well received due to a lack of public knowledge and/ or understanding. 

A planning report dated Sept. 13, 2023, contained a lot of information the public did not know: 

   1. Sechelt was not on the list of municipalities required to “expedite approvals” for Bill 44. 

2. The OCP amendments were being brought forward ahead of a comprehensive OCP review to align with the council’s grant application to Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation for Housing Accelerator Fund, with a goal to improve policies to accommodate “missing middle housing” development. 

3. The grant application was also tied to incentives offered to fundamentally change the way local governments review housing applications. 

Our OCP applies to all of Sechelt, either directly or indirectly therefore so do any changes. 

During the March 13, 2024, Committee of the Whole meeting, it became public knowledge that Sechelt did not receive the HAF (Housing Affordability Fund) grant. With so many objections to the lack of proper process and mandated public consultation, I ask “What’s the rush council?” 

Lynne Forrest 
