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Letters: What about local issues

Editor: I read with some bemusement the letter from Mr. Weiler (“Rebuttal to Roy,” March 15) regarding how well-served we are by the Liberal government.


I read with some bemusement the letter from Mr. Weiler (“Rebuttal to Roy,” March 15) regarding how well-served we are by the Liberal government. There were a number of initiatives claimed but in comparison with what our needs are, those fall way off the mark.  

Unstated in Patrick’s “puff piece” was any reference to progress on our actual issues. He did not mention crime, where there are not enough uniformed staff to police the Sunshine Coast and people are being assaulted in the mall parking lot behind the police station. He has done nothing about BC Ferries (along with our NDP MLA) as service continues to decline and promised improvements move further and further away. Housing is an issue, highway repairs, poverty, etc. – yet the Liberals continue to play games and accomplish little. 

Ted R McNicol 
