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Letters: Water restrictions must be eliminated before more’s built

'How can any council using the Chapman Creek water system even consider issuing one single building permit for new development, never mind the huge Selma Park development under way.'
Building frame structure on a new development site


I have been in and around the Sechelt area for 50+ years and own a rental property and summer cabin in the area, exasperating is the word that comes to mind when dealing with water restrictions for six to eight months of the year.  

How can any council using the Chapman Creek water system even consider issuing one single building permit for new development, never mind the huge Selma Park development under way.  

Do these councils think we enjoy being on water restrictions? I say don’t put the cart ahead of the horse (like most politicians do) and have enough reservoir capacity to eliminate all restrictions before any more building, period. 

Brad Engelland, Sechelt