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Letters: Looking for water answers


Why are these questions not answered by Sechelt council or the SCRD? If you have the same questions you need to write Sechelt council and the SCRD.  

First, a reduction in the environmental flow needs (EFN) in Chapman Creek could by all accounts be timed to address fish requirements and at the same time, potentially delay the need to go to Stage 4 water restrictions by weeks. Ideally the EFN reduction should start when we go into Stage 2 to save as much water as possible. What is holding up the province’s approval? 

Second, more wells in the District of Sechelt would help offset water shortages. What is holding up the drilling of wells in West Sechelt? Are the well locations close to where they pipe into our systems? We do not want another Langdale well issue.  

Third, it is logical that all users of water should pay their appropriate share to the SCRD to contribute to the cost of water infrastructure. Do the facilities operated by or on behalf of the province, the federal government or the shíshálh Nation pay for water or is our small tax base taking the hit? For example: Sechelt Hospital, Silverstone Care Centre, public schools, Tsain-Ko Centre, RCMP and various shíshálh Nation buildings/housing.   

Further to Point 3 above, who is financially responsible for leak detection and repairs on facilities operated by or on behalf of the province, the federal government or the shíshálh Nation? 

Is it time we had a Water Board so we can get answers. 

Bob Michor, Sechelt