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Letters: Democracy vs social democracy


In answer to Michael Manser [March 11]: The term social democracy in this letter was disturbing. Social democracy is a political theory advocating the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism. I wonder if he really was pushing a strong welfare state and regulation of private industry or just mis-speaking. A true democracy means “rule by the people” through freedom of speech and compromise. What happens when “the people” are not acknowledged and find the only way to be heard is to gather together and object to silence from government? Government usually listens. In this case, the heads of government chose to not speak or listen to the complaints of “the people.” Their problems would have been simply dealt with in short order had the head of government stepped “down from his perch” to speak with them. 

Canada received a big black eye nation-wide over the treatment of people struggling to be heard. I believe the word “tyrannical” was used in description of the behaviour of the federal government. Too bad…we need to wave our flag more and be heard, not “mandated.” Canadians will do “the right thing” if they are given the freedom to choose.  

Martha Scheel, Sechelt