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Letters: Courageous Coast community members are creating change

'Our towns are changing. The world is changing.'
Coastal Recovery Centre
The initial group, working in support of recovery from addictions at 624 Farnham Road in Gibsons


I’m fascinated when, despite the odds, courageous community members show up to create much needed community shifts. 

The April 29 Coast Reporter carried two such articles: 

Charlen SanJenko is a leader with a life mission to open and strengthen our minds to what can be accomplished when forward thinking people are gathered. She is a force who walks her talk. First it was PowHERhouse – building strong women who in turn build strong community: “If we can see it, we can be it!” has been her message. Her newest project, reGEN, promises to move the needle forward in the digital film industry with the goal of elevating the media through Indigenous (and other) storytelling! Kudos to her for being brave, bold and doing the hard work. She creates change and we, as a community and a nation, benefit. 

The second item, CRC Recovery Home, hits closer to home. 

I am a parent. Our family has been deeply affected by alcohol and drug abuse. I have watched my friends suffer their child’s death due to addiction. Heartbreaking doesn’t even come close. Our children are our own hearts walking outside our bodies and when they hurt, as parents, we bleed. 

TJ Sheehan, founder of CRC Recovery, has walked that dark path. He has experienced too many friends’ deaths from addiction. Every day, I thank the powers that be for creating the miracle that saved my son’s life. 

TJ’s life purpose is bold: to show other people’s sons and daughters that recovery is possible. He has invested every bit of his time, energy and finances into creating a recovery house, doing it right and saving lives. Kudos to you, son, for your courage, strength of character and consistent vision. You have a big heart and are making a difference! 

Our towns are changing. The world is changing. 

“Bad things happen when good people do nothing”. 

Let’s support our local champions who, despite the challenges, keep doing the hard work to move our communities to a better place. 

We all prosper.  

Dana Caple, Sechelt