Once again the not-for-profit Coast Car Co-op has been hit by vandalism. On Friday, Feb. 16, the windows of the orange Pruis C parked at the Capilano University campus in Sechelt were broken, the key was stolen and computer hardware vandalized.
Our volunteer-run car share has worked hard to expand service in Sechelt. This crime will remove the car for an indefinite period, cost the Car Co-op over $2,000 and jeopardize our ability to expand our service in Sechelt. It is terribly disappointing when our service to help people have affordable transportation options is targeted for random acts of violence. In the dark of winter months, our slowest season, we need the community to be our eyes and ears and support us to continue to offer shared cars on the Coast.
To the people of Sechelt we will try to restore service but please join us, drive the cars and help to ensure that your community has the option of safe, secure vehicles for those who support sustainable transportation on the Coast. More information can be found at coastcarco-op.ca.
Lee Carter
Board of Directors
Coast Car Co-op