As climate change continues to hammer our province, we all need to be very concerned about our ecosystems, drinking water and watersheds.
Hon. George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy stated “climate change and cumulative human impacts are threatening the health of the watersheds we depend on for clean drinking water, growing our food, habitat for aquatic species and healthy local economies.”
For the first time ever, the province is working to develop a Watershed Security Strategy and Fund and they have developed a discussion paper for public feedback. This is our opportunity to voice our opinion on a very crucial issue. No watersheds....no water. Simple. We have until March 18 to comment on the discussion paper.
This is an extremely important issue as we need to secure our watersheds from all destructive human activity. Climate change is so much more than any of us can imagine and it has only just begun and so far, it has been quite disastrous. I urge all Sunshine Coasters to please add your voice to this paper. This is the time for all of us to stand up and protect our communities.
The link is https://engage.gov.bc.ca/watershedsecurity
C. Clark, Gibsons