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Letter: Sunshine Coast water action isn’t delayed with the strategic plan

'Actions approved in the budget are happening, staff is always busy when it comes to water, and the SCRD board will have an improved long-term plan to put forward very soon.'
Over the shoulder view of someone filling a glass of filtered water right from the tap in the kitchen


In response to his letter raising concerns about the delay of the SCRD water strategic plan, I want to assure Mr. Pakulak that no actual work is being delayed. Every SCRD water project that was approved in the 2024 budget is going ahead and progressing on a daily basis. After all, as he mentions, “this is 2024!”  So there is no action lost in delaying this long-term plan.

Sharing all the same concerns that Mr. Pakulak does about the troubled history of SCRD water, I respectfully disagree that we should’ve rammed it through without giving the whole board sufficient opportunity for input. Personally, I would like to see it more succinct and action-oriented.

I also completely agree with SCRD chair Lee that the Area A systems should be more present in the plan, especially considering the South Pender Harbour system was facing a more critical shortage last summer than the Chapman system. Gibsons has some valuable new data and proposals about water sharing that we want the SCRD board to consider as soon as possible. And some of us were also concerned that the shíshálh Nation’s leadership role in local water stewardship was not sufficiently recognized. All of these developments have taken place relatively recently, and we need to ensure that we get this plan updated, and get it right.

Actions approved in the budget are happening, staff is always busy when it comes to water, and the SCRD board will have an improved long-term plan to put forward very soon.

 Silas White, Mayor

Town of Gibsons