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Is BEN system the right system?

Editor: The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is considering changes to the ticketing of bylaw infractions, which may affect Coastal residents at one time or another.


The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is considering changes to the ticketing of bylaw infractions, which may affect Coastal residents at one time or another.

Yes, this new bylaw enforcement notice (BEN) system has been on the books since last summer, but there has not much publicity on this proposed change.

This system would allow the SCRD to deal with bylaw disputes at the local level rather than through the provincial court system, however, one major concern is that the legislation does not permit an appeal of the decision of the adjudicator.

The last recourse in fighting the ticket is Supreme Court, hiring a lawyer, and having deep pockets, as this is a costly procedure for most people.

Bill Anderson
