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Indeed, why pick on Israel?

Editor: Allow me to play your reader's (the so-called "friend of Israel") substitution game in reverse ("Why pick on Israel," Coast Reporter, Jan.


Allow me to play your reader's (the so-called "friend of Israel") substitution game in reverse ("Why pick on Israel," Coast Reporter, Jan. 11) and see ifhecan replace the name of "Israel" with that of "Iran" in the following statements:

The only Middle Eastern country that: is truly democratic; that has a freely elected parliament with representation from both Arab and Jew: that guarantees all women (Jewish and Arab) freedoms equal to men; that allows women to dress, live and work as they please; that stages an annual Gay Pride parade with representation from the city's mayor, as well as with participants from around the world; that has an independent judiciary ruled by secular law rather than theocratic law, and with Jewish and Arab judges.

Your reader also makes mention of the various UN General Assembly resolutions against Israel, but does he not wonder why the UN fails to take to task Syria, Mali, Rwanda, Yemen or any other Muslim nation that violates international law, murders thousands and abuses women? I believe it is patronizing to attempt to hold one country's values over another's because of a "Judeo-Christian upbringing" and to overlook and excuse the inhumane attitudes of others.

We Canadians are very lucky we do not live in a region surrounded by enemies, whose united wish is to annihilate us. Therefore, we should not be so hasty as to condemn a democratic country whose very existence is continually under threat and one that is seeking to live at peace with its neighbours.

I applaud and appreciate the stance of our member of Parliament John Weston, who is willing to bring an unbiased and rational perspective to Israel's situation.

Sharon I. Simon, Gibsons