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Have a little compassion

I beg to differ with the good people writing opposed to the recovery house on Pratt Road. I am a proud, single father, sober eight years. I went through a detox centre in 1997. Unfortunately, I did not have access to a recovery house.

I beg to differ with the good people writing opposed to the recovery house on Pratt Road.

I am a proud, single father, sober eight years. I went through a detox centre in 1997. Unfortunately, I did not have access to a recovery house. Consequently, my road to a better life was prolonged. I am not blaming the system, as I am solely responsible for my recovery. Recovery houses are a huge step in the individual's chances of a healthy introduction to living sober in the community.

I know one of the facilitators of this house and have complete confidence in his capabilities. God forbid any of these people's children or immediate family members or friends would develop problems with addiction and had nowhere to turn, which is usually the case. Where would you send them?

Drop the ignorance, and have a little compassion and understanding. Our community is rampant with the horrors of addiction. What is takes is a tightly-knit community to start to help in the healing process.

C.J. Gibb, Gibsons