Re: Steve Holland's letter (Coast Reporter, July 10)
Area E (Elphinstone) has within its borders many interesting, intelligent citizens. Like the rest of us some have good ideas, some not so good.
Some Area E residents choose to serve their community, some do not have the time or the inclination. Some have chosen to live in those parts of Area E that are subdivision in nature, some prefer the more rural neighbourhoods. Some Area E residents use the services of nearby Gibsons, be they shopping, medical attention, library, recreation facilities, banks etc., some choose to use the services in Wilson Creek or Sechelt. They do this not wanting to participate in these communities. So be it.
Some Area E residents like Celia Fisher, have a long record of dedicated service to their community, in the global sense. They are not always right, but over the years have not hesitated to serve.
In the past it has not always been possible to have differing opinions in this community without someone stooping to make personal attacks questioning the integrity and community dedication of others.
It will be a good day when we are mature enough to differ and still be respectful to each other.
For my part, I'm exceedingly grateful to Celia Fisher, and others like her, for their service to all our communities.
Jo-Anne McNevin