I really enjoyed the We Bought the Farm opening of the Botanical Garden on Mason Road on July 5.
Seeing it inspired two ideas: I hope the Garden will promote the use of drip irrigation systems. Because few people use them on the Coast, the cost of these systems is far higher locally than in more arid places that generally use them. The Garden (and SCRD/District of Sechelt) should see about getting better prices for such systems so local gardeners use them, thereby saving water.
The Garden might also consider allowing "sharecroppers" on the property. The Garden could thereby get free labour to start development of its property, not to mention income from the use of land presently not in use. The sharecroppers could sell their vegetables, and the Garden would get a share of the net proceeds. Plus people in Sechelt who want to communally garden would have a good place to raise vegetables.
Michael T. Hertz