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Elevate your vision council

Editor: Kudos to Ross Muirhead and friends in Elphinstone Logging Focus for their efforts towards the preservation of a portion of the Wilson Creek watershed.


Kudos to Ross Muirhead and friends in Elphinstone Logging Focus for their efforts towards the preservation of a portion of the Wilson Creek watershed.

Unfortunately, their efforts fell on deaf ears when they presented their proposal to Sechelt council - the District of Sechelt being the sole shareholder of the Sunshine Coast Community Forest, which wants to log the section singled out for protection.

According to the Coast Reporter story, among the reasons given by council members for not committing to the request was the question of Mr. Muirhead's credentials. I would say that his credentials are impeccable, as a committed citizen in a democracy who has expended endless hours fighting to protect a priceless resource that is at risk of being sacrificed for a few months of employment and one-time monetary return.

The fact that Mr. Muirhead and his colleagues live in Roberts Creek is, or should be, entirely irrelevant. Contrary to Coun. Hockley's comments about the main protest coming from Roberts Creek, I know there are many in Sechelt who support Mr. Muirhead's efforts, especially in opposition to logging in watersheds.

As a Sechelt resident, I was one of hundreds involved in an effort to prevent logging in Chapman Creek watershed some years ago. Some councillors, being new, may be unaware of the history of this issue. The area currently in question is a resource beneficial to the entire Sunshine Coast, which has a severe deficit of remaining old growth forest, whose value in the long term for numerous reasons vastly outweighs any short-term profit.

As suggested, it deserves protection, similar to the status given to Hidden Grove, thanks also to the long-term commitment and continuing efforts of a group of citizens.

Sechelt council, please elevate your vision above the next quarter's bottom line.

Michael Siddall, Sechelt