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Dog comments disappoint

Editor: I was disappointed to read comments made in a letter to the editor about the horrific dog attack in Sechelt (Coast Reporter, Jan.


I was disappointed to read comments made in a letter to the editor about the horrific dog attack in Sechelt (Coast Reporter, Jan. 18) that "viscous or aggressive dogs shouldn't exist" and that it is "a behaviour due to mistreatment or poor socialization or neglect."

I own a dog who is not exactly dog friendly, but I am responsible and would never take him to a public park or area with other dogs. I drive every day way up the mountain and bushwhack deep into the woods to give him the freedom to run then carry a muzzle for when I get close to the logging road, just in case.

My dog was extremely socialized by going to dog parks since a puppy and coming to work every day at my dog-related business. He only turned aggressive after being picked on by other dogs on numerous occasions then got even more protective when I became pregnant with my daughter.

My dog is now seven and has never shown aggression towards humans and especially not to children or my 11-year-old pug he grew up with. Just because a dog doesn't like other dogs does not make him aggressive towards humans.

There is a place in the world for all types of animals, just maybe not for irresponsible owners. I feel awful for what happened to that woman and her dogs; it should have never happened.

As much of a pain in the butt it is to have an aggressive dog, I wouldn't trade him for the world. He has been one of the most loving and well-mannered dogs I have ever owned and will be very missed one day when that time comes.

Jennifer McHeffey

Roberts Creek