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Do you need to save three minutes?

I find it quite irritating that some of the ferry traffic use the old North Road to beat the traffic.

I find it quite irritating that some of the ferry traffic use the old North Road to beat the traffic. What these people do is turn left towards Lower Gibsons after exiting the ferry, then they race up North Road through the residential neighbourhood, somehow thinking they are going beat the ferry traffic that's using the bypass hill.

I got stuck with these speeders on North Road one time and felt like I was in LA traffic. When I got to the North Road bypass junction, drivers started honking at me because I waited at the stop sign too long. They think we have the right to cut traffic off and butt right in, as they have a yield sign.

The signage at the top of North Road where these speeders meet ferry traffic supports them by putting a yield sign where the patient bypass users have to merge with them. Come on people, do you really need to save three minutes? Is it so hard to wait in line like everybody else? What's the solution? Speed bumps on North Road? New signage?

Fred Carter Jr., Gibsons