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District needs to get out of golf business

Editor: I attended the Jan. 14 meeting about the Sechelt Golf and Country Club foreclosure. I play golf and I like the Sechelt golf members, but I know many more non-golfers here on the Coast.


I attended the Jan. 14 meeting about the Sechelt Golf and Country Club foreclosure. I play golf and I like the Sechelt golf members, but I know many more non-golfers here on the Coast. They don't care much about golf because they are too busy working and struggling to get by.

At the meeting I asked Mayor Henderson about the possibility of increasing taxes to finance the municipal operation of the golf course. He replied, "I won't be too popular if I raise taxes $50." I agreed and I know my friends sure don't want to pay more taxes. Many already pay for a swimming pool and an arena they don't use.

Also the mayor suggested that the golf course members sue the Sechelt G&CC for the membership dues already paid for 2012. He said he could help draft a letter to credit card companies to help get dues money back. As a taxpayer I get nervous when my mayor gives legal advice. I don't want the District of Sechelt to get sued. My friends and I might have to pay even higher taxes to foot that bill.

Also at the meeting I heard that at least one investor has tabled a proposal to pay the District leases and resume paying the equipment leases. One proposal would even acknowledge the paid golf memberships and gift certificates. That sounds like a win-win-win situation.

I hope the District council does not choose to operate the course for very long to reduce exposing us taxpayers to future problems.

Jim Heney

West Sechelt