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BC Hydro are no experts

Editor: I find it interesting that Mr. Bengeyfield who wrote a letter (Coast Reporter, Aug. 28) about IPPs has an existing water licence on Owl Creek which is part of the IPP goldrush he is complaining about.


I find it interesting that Mr. Bengeyfield who wrote a letter (Coast Reporter, Aug. 28) about IPPs has an existing water licence on Owl Creek which is part of the IPP goldrush he is complaining about. Having done work for BC Hydro in the past, in my opinion, he is strongly biased towards them. No matter how hard he tries to rationalize it, Burrard thermal plant is worse than wind, geothermal and solar power, as well as a host of other green energy technologies being promoted worldwide to replace similar gas and coal-fired electric plants.

All credible environmentalists are urging a switch from gas-fired plants to newer green technologies, except for Mr. Bengeyfield, who believes that BC Hydro, the operator of the Burrard gas-fired plant, is the only authority in power production. They have no experience in anything other than large power plants such as site C which they are currently developing.

Peter Schober

Renewable Power Corp., Roberts Creek