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A serious road safety issue

Editor: Yet another bad accident at North and Reed roads last Sunday afternoon - if anywhere needs a left turn lane light, it's at this intersection, where a death occurred previously.


Yet another bad accident at North and Reed roads last Sunday afternoon - if anywhere needs a left turn lane light, it's at this intersection, where a death occurred previously.

With so many drivers trying to avoid the "calming" of Gibsons Way, drivers are not following or obeying the signs on Highway 101 eastbound directing drivers to use Gibsons Way, but use Henry and Reed roads to bypass this congested single lane (two-way) area with four traffic lights.

North and Reed is a very dangerous intersection, especially for residents of Granthams who wish to turn left onto North Road from Reed or for those coming off Reed turning left to Langdale. It's about time something is done to alleviate this situation.

Joyce Hubbs

Granthams Landing