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A privilege to be a grad

It's that time of year again - the time when all the Grade 12 girls drag the far more reluctant boys to buy their suits and a tie the exact shade of her dress; the dress she bought months ago in anticipation of the big night - graduation.

It's that time of year again - the time when all the Grade 12 girls drag the far more reluctant boys to buy their suits and a tie the exact shade of her dress; the dress she bought months ago in anticipation of the big night - graduation.

All through high school, class after class graduates and it never seems to be our turn - until this year. Even though the entire year has been about the grads of 2009, it still doesn't hit until we're all standing there, being presented as the Elphinstone Secondary School graduating class of 2009.

Looking back, however, it's hardly surprising that we made it, with such a supportive community behind us. If this community is "the real world" that we have been warned so vehemently against, then we have nothing to worry about. This amazing group of people have watched over us, giving advice, helping where needed, allowing us to make just the right number of mistakes to let us learn, yet always forgiving us when we have gone a bit too far.

It's because of this support that we can graduate confident of success. Whether we're leaving for post-secondary, heading off to see the world, deciding to learn a trade or staying here, we all know that whatever happens, we have this, our home, to come back to. On behalf of the Elphinstone graduates of 2009, I would like to say thank you for the privilege of being a part of this amazing place, the Sunshine Coast.

Tori Withington
