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A parking challenge

Editor: As a proud mother of four, I recently welcomed my latest child at St. Mary's Hospital. I have lived here on the Coast for 33 years.


As a proud mother of four, I recently welcomed my latest child at St. Mary's Hospital. I have lived here on the Coast for 33 years. I would like to challenge our towns and our store owners to see who will be the first to provide pregnancy/parent-tot parking.

During my pregnancy I was stuck inside my car because I was too big to get out and outside my car due to small parking spaces on many occasions. I could have walked farther for a better spot, but I was really pregnant and lugging around three other children and groceries.

Now I will be trying to get an infant car seat in and out of my car in the same situation. So who will be the first store in town to have not only handicap parking, but also family parking?

It exists everywhere else in North America, so why not the Sunshine Coast? It is my belief that the decline in young families choosing to live here was of great concern in the last election. If that was actually true, then maybe small changes like this would encourage those of us who already live here to stay, and maybe newcomers will feel more welcome.

Maria Hampvent

Roberts Creek