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Sechelt approves lower 7.71% property tax increase for 2024 budget

Budget focused on infrastructure upgrades and essential services
Sechelt's 2024 budget breakdown.

Sechelt has finalised its 2024 budget – approving a 7.71 per cent property tax increase over the previously suggested 8.48 per cent. For the average residential property valued at $994,038, this will amount to a $218 increase.

The budget was presented for the final time at the district’s May 8 regular meeting. No changes had been made since council last reviewed the financial plan.

Sewer user fees also increased by 3.69 per cent ($24 for the average residence) and there’s a 12.5 per cent increase to solid waste fees ($33 for the average residence).

The consolidated financial plan was passed unanimously.

The $23.8 million budget includes $9.2 million of grant funding. 

Much of the budget is focused on maintaining essential infrastructure and upgrading

sewer collection and treatment, a district release stated.

New expenses listed in the release include new staff: two parks maintenance employees, one public works operator and one engineering biologist.

The courthouse roof replacement, municipal hall remediation and wastewater systems are also highlighted. 

"The current economic times with inflation make it challenging to continue providing the same service levels to residents without increasing the financial plan," said David Douglas, Sechelt chief financial officer in the release. He said staff works hard to balance the current financial pressures of the municipality while planning for the future

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.