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Sechelt aims to empower youth with community grant application

Council backs grant application for youth community engagement project
N.Sechelt Briefs

District of Sechelt Council endorsed applying for a $10,000 Sunshine Coast Foundation grant for its Connecting Sechelt Youth to Their Community project at its March 6 regular council meeting. 

Sechelt’s community services department is looking at how they can serve the community in a bigger, more impactful way, said Lindsay Roberts director of corporate and community services. 

The district has been in talks with Chatelech Secondary School and if the grant is secured, the money would be used to create a student-led “change-maker type of group,” said Roberts. Students will be able to come up with ways to connect with initiatives that the district is considering but may not have the resources to fund. 

“Whether it's something to do with our parks or community revitalization, they could take pride in what they are doing with the community and see a project through from start to finish,” Roberts said.

Sechelt proposes to provide $3,000 for staff time to facilitate and contribute to the project, as well as $600 towards use of district facilities and School District 46 staff have committed $2,500 in staff time and $500 in supplies, subject to the approval of the grant.

Roberts said that the money allotted for in-school program design and delivery would be put back into the community through the projects that the group decides on.

As an example, she said that if the youth were supporting a project on improving trails, the money would be spent on trail building and maintenance supplies. 

Coun. Darren Inkster said he wasn’t going to rewrite the proposal, but suggested that more money be dedicated toward honorariums for the youth, such as gift cards, saying it is important to recognize their efforts.

Coun. Donna Bell said she was thrilled with the grant and being able to provide more opportunities for youth to have a voice and build leadership skills. 

“I spent 25 years with the Y and I've seen what this does to involve youth in our camps and it has been absolutely incredible to see the kind of confidence and the skills that have come when you've had opportunities,” she said.

Council unanimously voted to endorse the district's application to the Connecting Sechelt Youth to Their Community project. 

Jordan Copp is the Coast Reporter’s civic and Indigenous affairs reporter. This reporting beat is made possible by the Local Journalism Initiative.