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Sail Squadron wraps up season

The cruising season for the Pender Harbour Power and Sail Squadron began in May and ended in October in pouring rain. In between, members enjoyed some trips in lovely weather.

The cruising season for the Pender Harbour Power and Sail Squadron began in May and ended in October in pouring rain. In between, members enjoyed some trips in lovely weather.

In late May, the Squadron had a good turnout for a wonderful, sunny weekend at the head of Hotham Sound.

On June 19, Emil and Doreen Johnson once again hosted their annual dock party with approximately 65 members attending for an enjoyable day of fun and the traditional potluck dinner.

Squadron cruise masters Marty and Graham Lyon organized the Desolation Sound cruise from June 22 to 30, ably leading 12 boats to well-known favourite places such as Melany Cove and to new areas such as Attwood Bay and Toba Inlet. The cruise ended in Gorge Harbour with all agreeing it had been a wonderful trip. Storm Bay, another favourite anchorage, was visited for the weekend of July 15 to 17.

From Aug. 15, Peter and Jo Benjafield organized a two-week pubs and parks cruise in the Gulf Islands, visiting such well-known spots as Montague Harbour, Ganges Cove and Pirates Cove, and introducing some new areas such as Portland Island, Glenthorne Passage and Cowichan Bay. The weather was very good the whole time, and the eight boats taking part enjoyed spontaneous happy hours and potlucks, walks ashore and pub visits. At the end of this cruise on Aug. 26, we gathered at Newcastle Island for the traditional weekend Squadron wind-up barbecue party at the dock and on the island. The weather was not so kind, with heavy winds, but we managed to enjoy our barbecue and all boats returned home safely the next day.

On Oct. 22, the Squadron had its poker cruise, visiting docks in Pender Harbour to collect their poker hands in pouring rain. This did not dampen the spirits of the 60 or so members who gathered later at the Lions Hall for the opening of the envelope and an enjoyable lasagna and salad dinner followed by entertainment by Brian and Jeanie Stanhope Ñ another successful fun gathering for the Squadron.

There remain the Squadron Christmas party on Dec. 4 and the carol cruise later in the month.

To become a full member of this lively group, it is necessary to have passed the boating course. Registration for the next course is on Jan. 3, 2006 at Pender Harbour Secondary School. Classes will be on Mondays at 7 p.m. For further details, contact training officer Eric Dodd at 604-883-0568 or Squadron commander Diane Dennis at 604-883-2572.