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Paramedics protest in Victoria

Just days before bargaining talks resume, paramedics made their presence known in Victoria on June 8 as more than 200 CUPE 873 members held a noisy demonstration on the steps of the B.C. Legislature. Ambulance Paramedics of B.C.

Just days before bargaining talks resume, paramedics made their presence known in Victoria on June 8 as more than 200 CUPE 873 members held a noisy demonstration on the steps of the B.C. Legislature.

Ambulance Paramedics of B.C. president John Strohmaier challenged the government to stop stalling.

"What we want from this new government is the same respect that we treat our patients with every day," he said.

Strohmaier used the occasion to announce a tour of the province by CUPE 873 executive to talk with members about what direction to take to get a settlement. He said that while they are still hoping the government will act quickly to settle the dispute, they are also planning for what will happen if there is no resolution.

CUPE 873 paramedics want the provincial government and the Ministry of Health to appoint an independent mediator to help reach a collective agreement. They are scheduled to meet with government representatives June 11 and June 12 to discuss outstanding issues.

B.C.'s 3,500 ambulance paramedics have been on strike for more than two months for faster response times, better staffing levels, wage parity with other emergency responders and a multi-year contract. The paramedics continue to provide ambulance services under the essential services agreement.

Negotiations stalled when the provincial election writ dropped May 14, leaving both sides' bargaining ability suspended and paramedics without a deal.