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Operations centre AAP set for January 2021

Sechelt council has tied up the details needed to move ahead with an alternative approval process (AAP) in January to authorize a loan of up to $3 million for the construction of a new parks operation and public works building on Dusty Road.
Ops Centre
A drawing of the proposed public works operations centre in Sechelt.

Sechelt council has tied up the details needed to move ahead with an alternative approval process (AAP) in January to authorize a loan of up to $3 million for the construction of a new parks operation and public works building on Dusty Road.

The deadline for the receipt of electoral responses has been set for Feb. 26, 2021 at 4 p.m. and the start of the period for submitting forms is expected to be Jan. 22, when the second statutory notice is published in a local newspaper. The district is required to give the electorate at least 30 days to submit their forms.

Electoral response forms will be available at municipal hall, in the lobby area of the Sechelt Library, through social media and on the district’s website.

During the Dec. 16 meeting where council approved the forms and timeline, Coun. Alton Toth asked whether submitted forms can be left at a drop box at municipal hall. Staff said that was the case, and agreed to specify that option is available.

Councillors spoke favourably of the AAP option.

Mayor Darnelda Siegers asked what the district will do beyond providing statutory notices, in order “to let the community know what we’re doing this for.”

“We have people who have been working in trailers for five years,” she said. “We want to put them in a facility that is actually conducive to doing the job they’re here to do.”

She said in the past, not enough information was released with AAPs, resulting in people “getting inaccurate information” and “responding based on that.”

Communications manager Julie Rogers said additional information will be posted on the district’s website and spread on social media when the statutory legal notices are published in local newspapers.

Toth tried to get out in front of criticism he said people might make of an AAP approach. “Ultimately this is a mechanism granted to local government by the province. If people don’t like this they should take it up with the province,” he said. “This isn’t a public opinion survey. We’re not trying to find out if we should build a swimming pool or a tennis court. This is legal obligation for a safe and adequate work space.”

Councillors unanimously supported the form, deadline and that the estimated number of qualified electors in the district is 8,603.