Brian Minter, whose advice is always of interest to gardeners, will share his experience and passion for plants at Heritage Playhouse in Gibsons Feb. 24 at 6 p.m.
His talk, sponsored by the Gibsons Garden Club, is entitled Newest and Funkiest Plants from Around the World. Like Minter's well received previous talks, this one is expected to be original and entertaining. Tickets are $10 and are sold at AC Electronics, or reserve by calling 604-886-6754.
Minter and his wife own Minter Gardens in Chilliwack. He offers garden plants and supplies there and through Country Garden Stores, also in Chilliwack. Plants and books will be sold, beginning at 5 p.m. prior to his talk at 6. This is an opportunity to learn more about gardening and to have your copy of his book, Brian Minter's New Gardening Guide, autographed.
Minter is a true plants person whose skill and knowledge is shared in talks to radio audiences and trade associations. His articles can be found in magazines and newspapers. He is a member of the Order of Canada. His advice is clear, practical and relevant.
Visitors to Minter Gardens will have admired the garden design and variety of plants displayed in any season. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss.