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Incumbent Sue Girard running for School District 46 seat

The current Lower Sunshine Coast trustee’s name will be on the ballot again, after being elected in 2018
Sue Girard SD46
Incumber SD46 board trustee Sue Girard has put her name forward for re-election in 2022.

Another incumbent has declared her intentions to run for the Sunshine Coast School District 46 board of trustees this fall.

On Friday, Aug. 12, Sue Girard told Coast Reporter by email that she is declaring her candidacy for the Oct. 15 general election to keep her seat as the trustee for Area 3, the Lower Sunshine Coast.

“I have immensely enjoyed my first tenure,” Girard wrote. “Our current board has accomplished great strides in their 4 years as trustees and I look forward to continuing on that positive trajectory in the coming 4 years.”

Her first term included navigating through the pandemic, during which the school board “worked so productively [and] diligently to realize our common goals for excellence [and] success in all we do in SD46.”

Girard was one of the six new members voted on to the board in 2018, which saw one incumbent (Pammila Ruth) return for another term and four members acclaimed to their positions. That year, Girard was elected with the most votes (2,455 of 4,184).

Amanda Amaral, acclaimed in as an Area 2 (Central Coast) trustee in 2018 and serving as board chair since 2020, has also announced her intentions to run for re-election this fall. 

Coast Reporter encourages candidates for the upcoming local government elections to reach out to [email protected]. Efforts will be made to keep the community informed on those who are considering letting their names stand as elected representatives for our communities.