On Sunday, May 23, the Sunshine Coast Equestrian Club (SCEC) will host their annual Children's Wish Foundation of Canada fund-raising trail ride.
This ride has been taking place for several years in partnership with the Okanagan Wish Trail Ride. In total the rides have raised more than $202,000 in the last seven years. Riders will take pledges in support of this great cause. The ride starts at the SCEC arena in Roberts Creek on the B&K logging road, winds through the local trails for about 15 kilometres and ends up back at the ring.
The ride starts at 10 a.m. and riders should be back to the ring by 2 p.m. The event is open to riders of all ages. A barbecue will be held at the ring for all participants. There are prizes to be won as well. Riders collecting more than $400 will be entered in a draw for two return airfare tickets to destinations including Mexico and Hawaii. Riders with the most pledges will win $100, and for every $20 in pledges riders receive one raffle ticket towards a western bridle. Prizes are donated by Walter White, the founder of the Okanagan Wish Trail Ride.
In preparation for the ride, the SCEC will be at Sunnycrest Mall on Saturday, April 3, collecting donations and holding a bake sale with proceeds going to the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada. If you would like a pledge form or wish to participate in the ride or join the SCEC, phone Sharon Burnett at 604-886-2084.