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FOSP seeks answers

Last Thursday, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) heard concerns over activity taking place on the Pan Pacific Aggregate's (PPA) compound at the end of Mason and Heritage Roads.

Last Thursday, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) heard concerns over activity taking place on the Pan Pacific Aggregate's (PPA) compound at the end of Mason and Heritage Roads.

Jan Williams, chair of the Friends of Sechelt Peninsula (FOSP), spoke to directors about the developments taking place at the site.

"Since the Sept. 14, 2006 meeting, PPA has built structures on the site, moved their offices from Sechelt to the site, and from what we can see, are working on a daily basis," Williams said. "We are asking you to please enforce your bylaws."

SCRD staff assured directors that an officer had been to the location and is taking all necessary steps to ensure compliance."We did an on-site inspection after we rejected the bylaws," said Paul Fenwick, general manager community services. "A bylaw officer has been on-site, and staff believes it is important to comply with the SCRD's bylaws."

Williams requested information regarding whether PPA was in fact working on the site and how the company could continue to work if a request for a temporary work permit was denied.

"This is a jurisdictional disagreement between the SCRD and the province," explained Myrtle Winchester, PR spokesperson for PPA in an interview with Coast Reporter this week. "We have a mineral tenure on the area and are operating perfectly legally in accordance with the mining act."

PPA has been granted an exploration permit for the area by the provincial government. However, when PPA went to the SCRD to request a temporary light industrial permit, the board voted against it.

"We voluntarily went to the SCRD board to apply for a light industrial permit. We were trying to make an effort with the regional district," Winchester said. "The land is Crown land and is administered by the province. We had a mining officer visit the site and we are 100 per cent in compliance."

However, the SCRD told Williams they have taken steps to limit the amount of activity on the site.

"We are pursuing an injunction, and PPA has provided a statement of defence," explained Joan Merrick, treasure for the SCRD. "It's been an on-going discussion in-camera with our lawyer, but it's still at the top of the agenda."