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Box Canyon IPP up for review

A proposal for a run-of-river hydro project near McNab Creek will get a public airing on Tuesday, May 7, at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre.

A proposal for a run-of-river hydro project near McNab Creek will get a public airing on Tuesday, May 7, at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre.

The Box Canyon hydro project would use stream flow from three creeks to feed a generator located above the confluence of Box Canyon and McNab creeks. The independent power project (IPP) received a BC Hydro energy purchasing agreement in 2010 and, if approved, is expected to have a capacity of 15 megawatts.

With provincial and federal reviews almost complete, the applicant is holding Tuesday's public information meeting as a condition for the rezoning application to the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) for the project's powerhouse.

In a recent report to the Area F advisory planning commission and the natural resources advisory committee (NRAC), SCRD senior planner David Rafael noted the site partially overlaps the Burnco mineral claim and the applicant is in discussions with the Alberta-based aggregate giant.

The issue of environmental compensation came up when NRAC discussed the application last month, Rafael said in a follow-up report to the SCRD board.

"A key issue raised by NRAC is a desire that stakeholders be given the opportunity to have input into establishing any environmental compensation that the province would require should the project move forward," Rafael said.

"Another issue of concern is the potential cumulative impacts of Box Canyon with other resource proposals that are under consideration (such as the Burnco gravel mine) or may come forward (such as logging or other power projects)."

The information meeting is scheduled for 7 to 9 p.m.