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Adoption is everyone

Adoption Awareness Month is proclaimed every November in B.C. to draw attention to the number of children and teens in B.C. who are waiting to join a loving, permanent family.

Adoption Awareness Month is proclaimed every November in B.C. to draw attention to the number of children and teens in B.C. who are waiting to join a loving, permanent family.

Nearly 1,300 kids have been adopted from government care in the past five years, but there is still a need for more adoptive families: over 1,000 children in B.C. are still waiting for a permanent family.

Seventy-percent of British Columbians say they believe that 19-year-olds don't have the necessary skills and resources to support themselves independently, according to a recent Vancouver Foundation survey. But studies show that having a family is the single most important determinant of success in adulthood.

"Adoption provides waiting children with the loving, supportive, and permanent family environment that every child deserves," said Karen Madeiros, executive director of the Adoptive Families Association of BC (AFABC). "There is this misconception that you need to be the 'perfect parent' to adopt, but it doesn't matter if you're a single parent, empty nester, gay, or married. Adoption is about letting these kids know they are loved no matter what."

Individuals looking to build their family are encouraged to consider adoption as a rewarding family-building option, and to call 1-877 ADOPT-07 (1-877-236-7807) or visit:

Since 1977, AFABC has been dedicated to finding families for children and also to providing groundbreaking programs that support the entire adoption community. The Waiting Child Toll Free Line, Wendy's Wonderful Kids, the Speak-Out Youth Zone, Focus on Adoption magazine - all are designed to raise adoption awareness, raise funds to support adoption, support children and youth who are waiting for families, and to help families get ready and stay steady throughout their adoption journey.

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