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Songs you know by heart

On Saturday, Oct. 25, the Lamont Cranston Quartet (LCQ) is bringing an evening of music and laughter to the Gibsons Heritage Playhouse in a concert called Songs You Know By Heart.

On Saturday, Oct. 25, the Lamont Cranston Quartet (LCQ) is bringing an evening of music and laughter to the Gibsons Heritage Playhouse in a concert called Songs You Know By Heart.

The LCQ came into being in the folk era of the 1960s and remains a popular band in Eastern Canada. Highlights from the early years include Bruce Cockburn as their opening act and playing for the Queen Elizabeth II. In the mid-70s they tried to leave the music, but the music wouldn't let them. As a result, they irregularly get together to do a special show - and this is one of those times!

What should the audience expect? The LCQ can be serious - but not for long. They love singing the old songs (and slipping in a few new ones). Most of all, they love to hear people singing and laughing.

The LCQ is sharing the stage with the always entertaining, sometimes disturbing Cuervo Brothers and Blind Leroy, the musical equivalent of the Kermode bear (rare yet loved). Their special guests are Tangent, two wonderful and experienced female musicians whose credits include: k.d. lang's Ingenue tour, appearing on Letterman, Leno and the Grammies; solo concerts in the U.S. Australia, and Europe; and singing on many albums, including Bon Jovi, Rita MacNeil, Gary Fjellgaard and Connie Kaldor. They are also part of the marvellous Vancouver female quartet, August.

Tickets are available at the door. Warning: banjo is played throughout the performance.