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Tips from Gibsons Wildlife

Nesting season is upon us and Clint and Irene Davy from Gibsons Wildlife Rehab are appealing to the public to protect area wildlife. "Please do not to cut trees or trim hedges at this time of the year, wait until the fall," said Irene.

Nesting season is upon us and Clint and Irene Davy from Gibsons Wildlife Rehab are appealing to the public to protect area wildlife.

"Please do not to cut trees or trim hedges at this time of the year, wait until the fall," said Irene. Recently we had a nest of robins brought to us. The gardener was instructed to cut the top of a tall hedge as a neighbour was complaining the hedge disrupted their view. The gardener, using a hedge trimmer, cut right across the top branches. In doing so he beheaded a nestling robin and injured the remaining two.

"He was very upset at what had happened and brought the nest and two remaining occupants to us. Sadly we had to euthanize one of the nestlings as it was too severely injured. We hope the remaining nestling will survive its injuries and we will raise it for eventual release."

Wild birds

She said unfortunately bells on cats' collars will not stop outdoor cats from catching fledgling birds as the birds are learning to fly and are thus unable to escape a marauding cat.

"Adult birds are so intent on finding food for their nestlings they are not so aware of their surroundings, hence many more adult birds are also caught by cats at this time of the year than at any other time. For the safety of wild birds, and your cat, please keep your pet indoors," she said.


Many ducks are nesting in or near ditches so motorists should be aware of this and slow down, Irene said.

"A female mallard was brought to us that had been hit by a car on North Road in Gibsons. She died shortly after being admitted into care," she said. "This was the second duck to be killed on that stretch of road, so please drivers be more aware of your surroundings and keep a look out for wildlife on the road.

"This is such a crucial time of year for wildlife. They are trying to raise their young, find sufficient food and survive human encroachment on their lives. Please help them succeed."

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