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Take an addiction test

Are you concerned about your use of alcohol or other drugs? Some people are able to enjoy moderate amounts of substances without any negative consequences.

Are you concerned about your use of alcohol or other drugs?

Some people are able to enjoy moderate amounts of substances without any negative consequences. For others, substance use can quickly deteriorate to a pattern of increasing and uncontrollable use. Are you wondering where you stand? Answer the following questions with a yes or no.

Have you ever been annoyed when people have commented on your substance use?

Have you ever felt guilty or badly about your drinking?

Have you gotten in trouble at work or lost your job because of your substance use?

Have you neglected your obligations, your family or work for two or more days in a row because of your substance use?

Have you been in hospital because of your substance use?

Have you received a 24-hour roadside suspension or have you been charged with impaired driving?

If you answered yes to two or more questions, there a good chance that your substance use is a problem. The good news is that professional help is available at no charge if you wish to: cut down or quit using either alcohol and/or other drugs, learn how to recognize the warning signs for relapse and high-risk situations and learn healthy coping strategies to replace unhealthy coping strategies.

Addiction Services at Vancouver Coastal Health offers various supports to residents of the Sunshine Coast in a safe and confidential setting. The recovery group is a drop-in group that runs from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons. It is intended to assist individuals who want an alternative to 12-step programs or participants in 12-step programs who want an additional type of recovery support.

For more information, call 604-885-8678.

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