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Harbour-Egmont Highlights: Shout out for food bank support at May Day

Also, watch for bears out and about
Pender Harbour

Was that the best May Day celebration yet? How about the Attack on Danger Bay Longboard Race? WOW! On behalf of the community and all that attended, a standing ovation and enormous thank you to the organizers and volunteers. 

The Pender Harbour Food Bank Society sends a shout out full of heartfelt gratitude to the gardeners who generously donated plants for the second annual Pender Harbour Food Bank Plant Sale at May Day. Another goes out to Gord Sanders whose brilliant idea to open his property on Lagoon Road for parking by donation for the food bank brought in welcome funds. Thanks to John, Craig, and Peter Salem, all the volunteers and shoppers that made this fundraiser possible – $700 was raised. Joka Wright is the humble, tireless superwoman heading up our food bank. Her husband Bill has the job no one wants, he is the treasurer. This dynamic duo feeds our people. Namaste. Donations can be made by e-transfer to [email protected] 

The next Pender Harbour Garden Club meeting Monday, May 29, 1 p.m. at the School of Music 

Cassandra Fletcher, executive director of One Straw Society, will discuss their programs on the Sunshine Coast: community gardens, tool sharing, regional food systems and everything in between. One Straw Society,, is a grass roots, community-led organization, working in partnership with people and groups. They are looking at what OSS and Pender Harbour might explore together. $15 for an annual membership. $5 drop in. Complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks. 

The Legion is pleased to announce a Beer & Burger Special, $15, addition to their Wednesday night menu, along with their extremely popular and delicious wings and pizzas.  

The 18th Annual Pender Harbour Blues Festival – June 2, 3 and 4 – will feature the best of the blues. Tickets are still available for the Festival Dance with Terminal Station. This is going to be a fantastic show, not to be missed. Terminal Station is a fantastic band! Tickets and info on the festival website 

Saturday, June 3, come celebrate with the community at Egmont Days. Enjoy the festivities starting off at the government dock with a kids 12 and under fishing derby, followed up by a parade, field games, bounce house, petting zoo, dunk tank and BBQ lunch! 

The Sunshine Coast Bear Alliance is counting and mapping out where mother bears with cubs are on the Coast. Have you seen them in our area? If you do, please contact me by email, address below, or Messenger. I encourage everyone to visit site for helpful info to keep us all safe. A cub was hit by a car on the weekend. The young wildlife, with and without their moms, are everywhere at this time. Please do not speed. 

Contact me with your news and information at [email protected]