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Halfmoon Happenings: Busting that blooming broom

Also, HBCA hosting ‘loving our trails’ day on June 1
Scotch Broom on Vancouver Island
Broombusters will be picking up your broom for burning over the next two weeks.

Continuing with my morning meditation lessons, today Tara tells me that “the emotions we experience directly determine how we respond to our life. Our strongest and most habitual emotions are often unconscious. Without mindfulness, they can overpower our faculties and run our lives.” These days, I’m trying not to be overpowered by disappointment, as some choices I made related to my personal life are coming back to bite me in the butt. Nothing life threatening; let’s just say that, for the immediate future, life-altering. I am mindful of these emotions and how they do not serve me. They do not solve the problem and they keep me in a negative mindset that makes it difficult to live my life in the present moment. So, as I listened to Tara while I sat in the sun on my balcony overlooking Sargeant Bay, I reminded myself that I have everything I could possibly need and that all the other stuff is just, well, stuff.

Other “stuff” we don’t need is that invasive broom that flourishes in our beautiful green spaces. Elise of the Halfmoon Bay Environmental Society told me that the Broombusters will be picking up your broom for burning over the next two weeks. “This year,” she said, “we’re expanding to Brooks Road and the Secret Cove area.” Remove the broom from your property and leave it roadside for pick-up. Send an email to [email protected]; please include your address and phone number.

The Halfmoon Bay Community Association (HBCA) is hosting “Loving Our Trails” Day on June 1, in alignment with BC Trails Day ( This annual event “is dedicated to enhancing our beautiful trails and fostering community spirit through environmental stewardship.” There will be a post-clean-up gathering at Coopers Green Park to honour the hard work of our Trail Elves. Go to for more information.

More details about the HBCA annual fair on July 14 will be coming soon. To hold any successful event, the HBCA relies on sponsorship. Want to see your company featured on their promotional materials? Send an email to [email protected]. You’ll be provided with information on how your sponsorship will be turned into an excellent marketing opportunity.

Don’t forget to bring your non-perishables or cash donations for our local food bank to Area B Director Justine Gabias’ next “coffee and conversation” at Coopers Green Hall on May 25, from 9 a.m. to noon. Hope to see you there!

Have you sponsored your favourite hiker or hiking team, as part of the Hike for Hospice fundraiser this month? Go to for instructions and a list of teams.