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Halfmoon Happenings: Mother Pluckers hosting hospice fundraiser

Also, Halfmoon Bay resident Chris Hergesheimer and his “always entertaining, high-energy Brothers in Farms will be bringing their rambunctious West Coast party music” to the May Day Dance at the Madeira Park Legion on May 18
The Mother Pluckers invites all to their fundraising event on May 23 at 7 p.m. at the Chatelech Theatre.

Last night, my mother eagerly clapped to AC/DC’s Thunderstruck as Elvis Stokjo entertained us, performing a full voltage set for an excited audience! Stars on Ice did not disappoint; delighted screams from the next generation of skaters filled the arena. Watching this 52-year-old athlete perform spins and jumps, my thoughts went to the miracle of the human body, the things it can achieve (unforeseen challenges aside).  

The next morning, as I listened to my mindfulness lesson, Tara Brach asked me to focus on my body. “When we’re out of touch with our physical form, we’re unable to tune into the intelligence that lets us know how to take good care of ourselves. There’s critical information, not just in our head, but in our whole body.” Well, I’m in touch with my body, Tara, and my back is telling me that it’s time for yoga, especially as I’m playing 18 holes with mom this afternoon! 

There’s no shortage of entertainment on the Sunshine Coast! Lynne Dickson, lead of the ukulele group, the Mother Pluckers (clearly, they also have a wicked sense of humour!), invites all to their fundraising event on May 23 at 7 p.m. at the Chatelech Theatre. Rae Armour, a fellow Blue Ocean golfer and frequent performer at Run with Soup, put me in contact with Lynne who shared this with me: “Proceeds go to Sunshine Coast Hospice. Last year we raised $8,600 and this year we hope to beat that. All musicians and our sound man take no fee. We will also be busking at the Sechelt Farmers Market on May 18.” Tickets, $25, are available at Strait Music or from one of the performers. Raffle and 50/50 tickets will be sold at the event. 

Halfmoon Bay resident Chris Hergesheimer and his “always entertaining, high-energy Brothers in Farms will be bringing their rambunctious West Coast party music” to the May Day Dance at the Madeira Park Legion on May 18. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Event and ticket information can be found at or EarthFair Bookstore. 

You know what was also highly entertaining? Volunteering at the elementary school carnival fundraiser last week! I had the most fun running the dunk tank, watching those brave HMB “celebrities” get dunked by enthusiastic ball throwers who didn’t want to miss the chance to dunk their principal, fire chief, teachers, parents and friends! Toby Hargrave achieved top “dunkee” status after I instituted the family discount line (I let them stand closer), which his wife and PAC co-chair Sarah fully embraced. At one point, fire chief Ryan Daley chuckled as a participant who missed a shot, “Haha, you missed, sucks to be you.” I reminded him, “Chief, you’re the one sitting in the dunk tank!” 

Take in all the events this weekend; there’s a plethora of offerings! And if you have a story or event to share, email me at [email protected]