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Gumboot Nation: The reluctant socializer’s guide to exploring Roberts Creek

The last paper I remember reading regularly was the “Pink Pages” from the San Francisco Chronicle—an arts section featuring the “little man,” a cartoon who rated movies through exuberant emotional expressions.
Games night at the Gumboot is an excellent socialization opportunity.

The last paper I remember reading regularly was the “Pink Pages” from the San Francisco Chronicle—an arts section featuring the “little man,” a cartoon who rated movies through exuberant emotional expressions. If he clapped wildly, his highest praise, off I went to see said movie, companion or not. 

These days my social life is Netflix asking me whether I’m still alive, a turn I didn’t see coming as a 23-year-old San Franciscan. Given my new need to become more aware of community events, I thought an appropriate column might be an amateur’s guide on how to get out more for those who are mostly in. Care to play? Fabulous! Let’s go. 

The first thing we need is events, and I will admit that at first, I genuinely felt overwhelmed about keeping track of all of the events in Roberts Creek. Yes, all of the events. In… Roberts Creek. Whether rational or not, I found surprising calm in narrowing my focus to just a few reliable sources and keeping a list. So, first tip: find your source. Check. 

Now that we have a handle on what’s happening, the next natural step is to ask people. “I have to ask people?” Yes. Or…maybe. Honestly, I don’t do it nearly enough, often assuming my peers — like me — are either too busy or increasingly reluctant to drive at night. While both may be true, I’ve recently found that some people are just waiting to be asked — and that glasses help with the driving. Put yourself out there! 

Speaking of putting ourselves out there, the next step, assuming the previous step yields no results, might be the wildest yet. Go alone. Believe me, I get it — going to games night at the Gumboot Cafe alone creates a terrifying mental image — someone sliding their Scrabble box over to block a seat as I pass, leaving me at a two-person table for one, playing solitaire with my own reflection. Okay friend, two things. Firstly, that won’t happen — they’re nice there! Secondly, even if it did happen, somehow by Roberts Creek standards, being the “solitaire lady” at games night might actually make you cool. A person of great mystery. She probably has crystals in her bra too. 

Here we find ourselves at my final and favorite idea: let’s start a group for the “wish I had someone to go with” crowd. I’ll drive. 

Now what? If you can relate to “social things scare me but I still crave community,” now you’ve got a solid plan for getting out there. Here’s what’s on: 

• The Myrtle Sisters Literacy Day Event: Jan. 24 at Roberts Creek Hall 

• Women’s Well-Being Series - Create Your Own Herbal Oils: Jan. 29, 6 to 8 p.m. at Roberts Creek Wellbeing 

• Poetry Club: Jan. 30, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Roberts Creek Library 

So, what are you waiting for? As they say, at the heart of every community is someone who dared to turn off Netflix. Let’s make it happen! 

Reach me on Facebook (DMs welcome), or at [email protected]