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Food security initiatives continue to sprout

As spring nears, thoughts of gardening and food production start to sprout in the heads of many Coasters.

As spring nears, thoughts of gardening and food production start to sprout in the heads of many Coasters. Thinking about gardening this year, though not sure where to begin?

The One Straw Society has created many initiatives to assist and inform potential food producers. Whether growing a garden for yourself or the market, there are many events and programs coming up that might interest you.

The aim of the Grow Your Own Dinner project is to empower individuals and families to grow their own food in whatever space they have - big or small. The society hopes to encourage the local community to reclaim the art of backyard vegetable gardening and to live a happier, ecological lifestyle, with greater food security.

Join this garden mentorship program now by contacting Nadi at [email protected] or 604-741-9859.

Hands on Lands is a program that connects gardeners and farmers with available growing space. If you want to farm and have no land, or if you have land and want it farmed, contact Christine Wild at [email protected].

Renowned local author Robin Wheeler is presenting her extremely popular Microfarm Forum at the Pender Harbour Music School in Madeira Park on Sunday, Feb. 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Entry-level food growers to experienced gardeners are invited to attend this full-day event, which will include information on finding resources, understanding plant cycles, selecting for long season production, intensifying land use, efficiency measures, soil improvement and more.

Tickets are $55 and include lunch. Space is limited, so register early by contacting Teri at 604-883-2817 [email protected] or Robin 604-885-4505 [email protected].

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